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作为建筑师和城市规划师,我们可以为那些苦苦挣扎的人做些事情 | UIA- QY球友会官网杯2023 评委会主席卡罗琳·博斯专访

2023-12-06 10:20:53

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Caroline Bos –

In our profession as architects and urban designers, we can do something to help people who are struggling


It is a big problem,and there are many different aspects to it. I'm saying that in our profession, as architects and urban designers, we can also contribute in a positive way, that's what I'm hoping for.


Interview Notes

作为UNStudio联合创始人、主持城市规划师,卡罗琳·博斯女士今年应邀成为UIA- QY球友会官网杯2023 评委会主席。在南京大学举办《为情绪韧劲而设计:未来健康城市》讲座之后,卡罗琳女士接受了 QY球友会官网股份的专访。此次采访,卡罗琳女士的温和与睿智给我们留下深刻的印象,她也从更个人的角度,谈到为何提出今年竞赛的主题“至美而生——在高密度城市蔓延中为心理健康而设计”。对于当前人们面临的各种压力,卡罗琳女士也真诚地建议“可以退后一步来寻找另一种生活方式”。

Ms. Caroline Bos is the co-founder of UNStudio and principal urban planner. This year, she was invited to serve as the chair of the jury for the UIA-HYP Cup 2023. Following her lecture on "Designing for Emotional Resilience: Healthy Future Cities" at Nanjing University, Ms. Bos graciously agreed to an interview with the Brand Strategy and other Departments of HYP-ARCH. During the interview, Ms. Bos's gentleness and wisdom left a profound impression on us. She also spoke from a more personal perspective about the reason behind proposing this year's competition theme "Living Your Best Life: Designing for Mental Health In High Density Sprawl". Addressing the various pressures people currently face, Ms. Bos sincerely advised "they can take a step back in order to find another way".


Ms. Caroline gave a lecture at Nanjing University


Why did you propose the theme of designing for mental health this year?


I think everyone knows people close to them who have struggled or are struggling with mental health issues. I also have two close friends who have both had to receive psychiatric care in hospital. So I have seen the suffering close up. Neither of these women are young people, they are closer to my age, but still it was very unexpected. But I also know young people who suffer from these issues, so I think it's part of everyone's life. And it was because of this that I started reading about it, out of personal interest. 


It's not like any other illness. When people are suffering from mental problems, they become isolated and it's difficult for them to share, to keep in touch. It becomes really very difficult.

640 (1).jpg墨尔本南岸综合体项目 STH BNK by Beulah Melbourne ©Norm Li


What's your perspective on the current trend of 'lying down' among young people?


It’s not only in China, it’s all over the world. I read a story about the phenomenon of young adults going back to the family, and that it could be also seen as a sort of a reset. That perhaps people are being pushed too hard on the career front. So then, if there is too much pressure, they can take some time and take a step back in order to find another way that is not so focused on having the highest salary and the top job. With a little bit more balance they can be happy, so making a switch like that can be very positive. 


But it is a big problem, and there are many different aspects to it. I'm saying that in our profession, as architects and urban designers, we can also take some responsibility, also do something. Not that we can suddenly solve all the problems, not at all. But we can also contribute in a positive way, that's what I'm hoping for.

640 (2).jpg南京嘉华G72综合发展项目 K.Wah G72 Mixed-use development ©UNStudio


Many people live in a very humdrum environment in their daily lives. But it would be good to have more recreational pastimes, so that people can lead more colourful and emotional lives, rather than being forced to pursue only one goal. As architects we can make a difference in this area. As we design spaces for children in ways that stimulate their development. In recent years, it has also been found that, for instance, patients with Alzheimer disease can be enormously helped by having environments that recreate their world 40 years ago. So the built environment definitely plays a huge role in supporting mental health. But it is very under-explored by mainstream architecture.

640 (3).jpg绿色英里 Green Mile ©Plomp

640 (4).jpgBrainport智慧街区 Brainport Smart District ©Plomp


in your view, what is the most important core of a successful design?


I think we're talking about a very holistic thing. Sustainability is a goal, how the building performs for people is a goal, the experience is a goal, and then really blending all of that into a compelling solution. So what you need is that wholeness. If you try to maximize one aspect, it comes at the cost of another, so it's not viable, and you have to think holistically.

640 (5).jpg代尔夫特理工大学Echo教学楼 Echo, TU Delft ©Evabloem


What aspects do you value the most in the entries for the competition?


The entries this time were very diverse. I tried to make sense of all the different types of solutions or proposals and categorize them and then look for examples that I thought were very good in each category. I was pleased to see such a wide range. I don't want to say that one approach or solution is best, I think diversity is important. There were some entries that showed real empathy and presented imaginative and positive images, but I don't want to name names because that would be unfair to other entries.


I think empathy is very important. True empathy goes beyond themself and considers other groups. Sensitivity and creativity are also important.

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2023 QY球友会官网杯一等奖作品《光的日常》

UIA-HYP Cup 2023 First Prize "The daily routine of the light"


How do you view AI design?


We use all possible techniques to try and make our designs better. Adopting and using new techniques that work in your favour is good and worth doing.


I think AI is going to be a tool that helps people work more efficiently, and these tools are only going to get better. But we prefer to use our own AI tools at UNStudio. We avoid using other sources because we need to maintain some sense of control.


What advice do you have for students aspiring to pursue a career in architectural design, in terms of planning their own career paths?


I think that for us it's nice to have a big studio with a lot of projects all over the world, but  some architects like to work multiple projects at the same time, while others prefer to work on just one. It really depends on the individual. You have to know yourself and what works for you. But I would say Always stay interested and look at things in a positive and optimistic way. I think architects have to be optimistic, very optimistic.


We are grateful to UNStudio for their help with this interview.
